Photo of Ixapack Global Cartoner Auto Horiz. Glue (Auto) TOPLOAD L2

Ixapack Global Cartoner Auto Horiz. Glue (Auto) TOPLOAD L2

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IXAPACK, Model D4000, TOPLOAD L2, Automatic, stainless steel, 4-head robotic, top pick n place, carton loader, turner and sealer rated up to 70 cartons per minute – depending on materials, application and pack pattern. Blank size range: 8" to 28" in width x 12" to 12" in height. Erected carton size range: 2,4" to 12" in width x 4.8" to 16" in height. Equipped with 354" long x 6" wide dual fixed product in feed conveyors set on 12" centers and 1-1/2" high cleats, with 354" long x 12" wide empty case (2) chain fixed empty case conveyor set on 12" centers with 1-1/4" wide x 1-1/2" height lugs, (4) Delta (8) suction cup, servo driven, robotic pick and place heads which pick the product from the conveyors to the empty cartons with (15) load stations and carton gluing section with 60" long x 5" wide discharge belt. Control panel has PLC controller with 19" PC HMI and machine start, reset and e-stop push buttons. Mounted on heavy duty frame with interlock safety door guarding and protection roof for dust control with statis light bar.
Capable of handling wrap around, (4) glued corners, cartons, joint shoulder tray and self ready packaging containers with proper change parts.

OAD: 354" L x 90" W x 102" H

The Frain Advantages

  • Plug and Play Packaging and Processing Machinery
  • Engineering Consultation
  • Factory Acceptance Test and Proof of Concept
  • In-House Testing
  • Training on your equipment
  • Technical Support and Service
  • Pay as you Go Program (Rental Capabilities)
  • 41+ Years in Business


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