PMC Capper Chuck RC1600/MSL60/PS2100

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PMC, Models RC1600, MSL-60, PS2100, 16 head stainless steel, rotary pump placer and capper with 60" OD unscrambling bowl and incline cleated feeder with cap hopper rated up to 150 placements per minute – depending on materials and application Container size per application. Equipped with Model MSL-60, a 60" OD cap unscrambling bowl. Model PS2100 incline cleated cap feeder with 112" long x 15" wide belt with 3" high cleats set on 12" centers and 48" x 44" x 32" cap hopper with 88" discharge height. Model RC1600, 16 head rotary pump placer and capper with 24" OD cap hopper and has (16) capping heads set on 7" centers with 192" long x 3½" long container conveyor and has 36" infeed and discharge height. Control panel has start, stop, reset and e-stop push buttons with HMI readout. and statis light bar. Mounted on stainless steel frames with height adjustable leveling legs.

OAD: 192" L x 64" W x 88" H Capper
68" L x 56" W x 130" H Unscrambling Bowl
128" L x 64" W x 108" H Incline Feeder

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  • 41+ Years in Business


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