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Home » Equipment » Resina Capper Quill U40 806
Resina Model U40, Automatic, 4 station 8 spindle, capper rated from 20 to 300 containers per minute – depending on materials and application. Stainless steel contact parts and is designed to handle a wide variety of container sizes, shapes and place caps onto containers ranging from 10mm to70mm. Equipped with inclined cleated cap feed conveyor with 32" x 36" x 18" hopper and 8" wide x 105" long belt with 2½" high cleats set on 9" centers, 128" long x 4½" wide stainless steel container conveyor, cap hopper and pin wheel sorter, 28" long x 1" high dual side container handling and stability gripper belts with 4 stations, 8 spindles cap tighting section set on 5" centers and has adjustable clutches. Control panel has quill, gripper, conveyor and spacer speed control dials with e-stop. Mounted on heavy duty painted frame.
OAD: 128"L x 42"W x 101"H (Capper) 96"L x 32"W x 125"H ( Feeder)
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