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Home » Equipment » Fanuc Robot Robotics M-410IC / 110
Fanuc, Model M-410IC/110, bag palletizer, 4 axes, articulated rotary joint, servo driven, robotic, pic-n-place arm capable of palletizing and depalletizing and rated from 5 to 15 cycles per minute with number of product – depending on materials, application, machine configuration and pack pattern. Unit is capable of moving product from floor level up to 88" in height, and has range of motion of 720 degrees, rated up to maximum pick-up weight of 110 Kg. Equipped with forked vacuum bag head mounted on robotic arm with 94.6" maximum horizontal reach and has vacuum pump. Remote control panel has Fanuc R30iB controls with digital hour counter and auto / manual switch, fault, fault reset, power and e-stop push button controls, also has hand held, touch pad controller with display. Mounted on platform style base.
OAD: 94"L x 60"W x 101"H (Robot)
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