In my 35 years in the industry I have seen a number of instances where simple modifications to the package in the design stage could have avoided large productivity costs in operations. On Wed, 10/31 at 2:30 in PackExpo I will be presenting a talk called “Marketing-Operations Conflicts: The Costs in Package Development, and How to Avoid the Waste”

Among other things, you will learn how a 2% efficiency loss will cause an entire week of lost production capacity over the course of every year.

Whether you are on the machinery, materials or operations end of packaging, you need to attend.

Sign up at

Email me at if you want more detail on what I plan to discuss

If anyone here would like to meet up during the show, give me a call on my cellphone at 787-550-9650. I have a busy schedule but other than Wed, it is pretty flexible..


John R Henry CPP

Cell 787-550-9650

Pre-order my new Productivity Press book now (Will ship November 14):

Achieving Lean Changeover: Putting SMED to Work

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