Pump placer Machines

Used Pump placer Equipment

Pump placer cappers, or pump placing cappers, are designed to place a pump into a container. Pumps allow the product to be dispensed from the container without un-capping the container. The design of a pump includes a dip tube that feeds the product to the pump. Product is drawn up the dip tube with every push of the pump. Dip tubes are designed to reach the bottom of the container so that all the product in the container can be dispensed by using the pump. Because of a dip tube, pump placer are specifically designed to orient the pump with the dip tube facing down and control the dip tube and insert the dip tube into the container during the pump placing capper operation.


Pump placers require subsequent operation by an additional machine (See Capper / Semi-automatic) to tighten the cap integrated into the pump to the neck of the container. Pump placers have orientation systems and tooling specifically designed to handle pumps and their dip tubes. Pumps designed to be activated the user’s index finger on a trigger are called trigger pumps. (Pumps are also placed on aerosol containers but because of the pressure in the aerosol container, aerosol pumps operate differently. See Aerosol / Tipper Crimper.)

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Pump placer Equipment In Stock

New England Capper Pump placer NERPP

  • Manufacturer: New England
  • Model Number: NERPP
  • Frain Number: 5J1611

New England Machinery, Model NERPP-2008 pump placer and tightner, designed for finger, lotion and trigger pump placements. Model HE-20 cap elevator has 48" x 32" x 39" deep hopper, 18" wide cleated belt with 4" high cleats set on 6" centers. Cap elevator feeds into Model NES-60 cap sorter with 60" OD disc. Sorted caps transported to Model NERPP-2008 (8) head rotary pump placer and tightner with worm screw to star wheel indexing. Control panel has A/B PLC controller with touch screen HMI controls and A/B powerflex vari-speed controllers. Mounted on heavy duty stainless steel frame with safety door guarding. Speeds dependent on material, application and machine configuration.

OAD: 230"L x 135"W x 106"H

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PMC Capper Pump placer XRC1200

  • Manufacturer: PMC
  • Model Number: XRC1200
  • Frain Number: 5H8150

PMC, Model XRC1200,12 head, rotary, finger pump inserter and capper rated from 30 to 180 containers per minute – depending on materials and application Equipped with 3¼" Wide delrin in feed conveyor, star wheel in feed and discharge, 15" OD cap indexer and inserter. Mounted on heavy duty frame with height adjustable legs and safety door guarding.

OAD: 75"L x 55"W x 88"H

Get a Free Quote Call: 630-629-9900