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Home » Cutter Slicer » Peeler
Cutter Slicer Peeler equipment is used for peeling the surface from various food products in preparation for subsequent processing. Cutter, slicer, peeler operations can be from a mechanical means to remove or scrub off the outer skin of material for a product or by use of thermal processing methods for preheating he outer surfaces and then releasing the product back to normal pressure and allows the outer layer peel of the product to be released from the product and is blown off by the rapid temperature and pressure change. Some cutter, slicer, peeler machines are a combination of both methods to efficiently remove the out skins from products.
Vanmark Model 2745, Heavy duty, brush style peeler / scrubber / washer with amount of product per hour – depending on materials and application. Stainless steel construction. Equipped with (8) 70" long x 4-1/2" diameter rollers (2) rubber pin and (6) bristle scrub brush, (5) dual paddle tumbling system (8" x 4" paddles), swing away discharge and has a automatic lubrication system and Hydraulic drive powered by 20 Hp motor. Mounted on (4) leg base frame.
OAD: 126" L x 36" W x 66" H
Custom Engineering & Fabrication Co, Model S-36, stainless steel brush peeler. Equipped with a stainless steel inclined belt with 2" high cleats feeding into a 20" x 16" product charge, 16" diameter x 18" long auger moves product into 70" long peeler chamber with (8) rotary brushes, 20" OD single ribbon agitation and top mounted spray nozzels. Product discharges onto a 23" wide chute with 50" ground clearance. Bottom 15" x 8" flanged discharge drains liquid into a Moyno positive diplacement pump powered by a 3 hp drive with a 2½" NPT discharge. Peeler powered by a 7½ hp hydraulic power pack.
OAD: 102"L x 40"W x 80"H (Peeler) 93"L x 48"W x 110"H (Feeder)
Magnuson, model WSP2000 3750001.0107, heavy duty, 304 stainless steel, roller style peeler and scrubber with pounds of product per hour – depending on materials, application and machine configuration. Equipped with a 12" x 12" charge, (4) 72" long abbrasive rollers powered by a 7½ hp hydraulic pack and a 44" to 48" discharge height. Mounted on (4) leg base frame with casters.
OAD: 94"L x 29"W x 69"H
Sormac, Model WOS-1A/27/183, Peeler, topper and segmentor. Rated from 75 to 85 pieces per minute – depending on materials, application, machines configuration and operator dexterity. Equipped with Model UP-8000 peeler has 40" long V-belt in feed and (9) sets of pressure rollers and peeling plates. Peeler discharges into Model WOS-1A topper / segmentor and has 16" wide x 88" long conveyor with flights set on 4" centers and topper / tailer alignment belts, positioning system and static mounted knives. Swing arm controller has push button start / stop, on / off switches and pressure roller adjustment dial. Mounted on stainless steel frames with casters.
OAD: 142" L x 28" W x 76" H (peeler) 106" L x 44" W x 71" H (segmentor) 186" L x 134" W x 76" H (total)
Lyco, Model 8000E Bull Jr, heavy duty, stainless steel, roller style peeler and scrubber with pounds of product per hour – depending on materials and application. Equipped with (8) 80" long x 5" OD rollers (7 abbrasive and 1 bristle scrub brush) powered by (4) 3 hp drives, 21" OD x 80" long stainless steel product screw feed system. 18" x 13" discharge chute with 46" ground clearence and powered by 2 Hp motor drive. Mounted on (4) leg stainless steel frame.
OAD: 140"L x 53"W x 78"H
Vanmark, heavy duty, stainless steel, roller style peeler and scrubber with pounds of product per hour – depending on materials and application. 304 stainless steel construction. Equipped with (6) 70" long abbrasive rollers powered by 3 Hp motor drive. Mounted on (4) leg base frame with casters.
OAD: 132"L x 48"W x 85"H
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