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Home ยป California Pellet Mill
California Pellet Mill, Model 75C, pellet mill with amount of product per hour – depending on materials and application. Equipped with 24" long x 13" wide receiving port, 36" long auger feeder and powered by 2 HP drive into 38" long x 20" diameter continuous paddle mixer and conditioner powered by 25 hp drive and pellet mill chamber powered by 100 hp drive with 16" ID die with 226 in² working area.
OAD: 90"L x 50"W x 105"H
California Pellet Mill, Model CL, Laboratory size pellet Mill. Rated from 30 to 200 pounds of pellets per hour – depending on materials, application and machine configuration. Equipped with 17" long x 13" wide x 17" deep product hopper, 4" wide x 20" long vibratory feeder, 36" long x 4" OD continuous paddle mixer and conditioner powered by ¾ hp drive, 7" long x 1½" OD auger feeder powered by (1/3) hp drive and pellet mill housing powered by 2 hp drive with 5" OD die and 5" wide discharge chute with 15" ground clearance. Control panel with push button start / stop for mill, auger and mixer. On / off switch and variable speed dial for vibratory feeder. System mounted on a painted base frame with casters.
OAD: 60"L x 35"W x 86"H
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