Clybourn Machines

Clybourn Machines In Stock

Clybourn Cartoner Auto VolumetricScale C4

  • Manufacturer: Clybourn
  • Model Number: C4
  • Frain Number: 5H4458

Clybourn, Model C4, automatic, vertical, 4 pocket volumetric, continuous motion, hot melt glue cartoner. Rated from 20 to 100 cartons per minute – depending on materials, application and machine configuration. Carton Size: 2" – 8¼" long x ¾" – 3¼" wide x 4¼" – 11¼" deep. Equipped with single chain currently set on 10" centers with 64" long (2) chain powered blank carton magazine, recipicating vacuum suction cup pick n place, 4½" long; 2½" wide; 3" deep fixed product buckets and (4) pocket rotary tapered product funnels and Nordson hot melt glue systyem. Control panel has drive jog, off , run and cartoner main and auto switches with vacuum, cycle, jog, reset, and start, stop, e-stop push button controls. Mounted on heavy duty base frame.

OAD: 112"L x 90"W x 72"H

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Clybourn Cartoner Auto VolumetricScale C8

  • Manufacturer: Clybourn
  • Model Number: C8
  • Frain Number: 5H3608

Clybourn, Model C8, automatic, continuous motion, vertical cartoner. Rated from 20 to 100 cartons per minute depending on materials, application and machine configuration. Carton size range: 1" to 4" in Length; 3/8" to 2-1/2" in Width; 4-1/8" to 8" in Depth. Equipped with 64" long blank carton magazine, reciprocating pick and place, single chain carrier system currently set on 5" centers, bottom flap closers and plows and eight pocket rotary volumetric filling station with no carton / no fill. Control panel with on / off switches and push button start / stop controls. Mounted on heavy duty base frame.

OAD: 190" L x 42" W x 90" H

Get a Free Quote Call: 630-629-9900

Clybourn Cartoner Auto VolumetricScale C8

  • Manufacturer: Clybourn
  • Model Number: C8
  • Frain Number: 5H3609

Clybourn, Model C8, automatic, continuous motion, vertical cartoner. Rated from 20 to 100 cartons per minute depending on materials, application and machine configuration. Carton size range: 1" to 4" in Length; 3/8" to 2-1/2" in Width; 4-1/8" to 8" in Depth. Equipped with 64" long blank carton magazine, reciprocating pick and place, single chain carrier system currently set on 5" centers, bottom flap closers and plows and eight pocket rotary volumetric filling station with no carton / no fill. Control panel with on / off switches and push button start / stop controls.Mounted on heavy duty base frame.

OAD: 190" L x 42" W x 90" H

Get a Free Quote Call: 630-629-9900

Clybourn Cartoner Auto VolumetricScale SPECTRUM

  • Manufacturer: Clybourn
  • Model Number: SPECTRUM
  • Frain Number: 5H1960

Clybourn Model Spectrum, Automatic, continuous motion, vertical, hot melt glue cartoner with carton size and number of cartons per minute – depending on materials and application. Equipped with (1) chain fixed in feed conveyor with 6-1/2" long x 5-1/2" wide x 1-1/2" deep fixed product buckets set on 7" centers, 100" long (2) chain powered blank carton magazine, (1) head recipricating pic in place, 36 pocket rotary product funnel filling system with vibratory motors to settle product and Nordson hot melt glue system. Remote control panel has A/B CPU, with variable speed drive and on board control panel has half and full fill, jog, run, carton set-up and by pass on and off switches with speed control dial and on, off, e-stop push button controls. Mounted on heavy duty frame with interlock safety guarding.

OAD: 269" L x 60" W x 69" H Cartoner
100" L x 20" W x 36" H Carton Magazine

Get a Free Quote Call: 630-629-9900

Clybourn Cartoner Auto VolumetricScale

  • Manufacturer: Clybourn
  • Model Number:
  • Frain Number: 5H1961

Clybourn, Automatic, continuous motion, vertical, hot melt glue cartoner with carton size and number of cartons per minute – depending on materials, application and machine configeration. Equipped with (2) chains fixed set on 7" centers with 6-1/2 long x 5-1/2 wide x 1-1/2" deep fixed product buckets and has a 72" long (2) chain powered blank carton magazine, (4) head rotary pick in place, 16 pocket rotary product funnel filling system with vibratory motors to settle product and Nordson hot melt glue system. Control panel has A/B controller, with variable speed drive and remote control panel with touch pad controls and digital readout with glue, jog, run, carton feed, vacuum, product feed, turret run, level control on, off switches and start, stop, e-stop push buttons controls. Mounted on heavy duty base frame with interlock safety guarding.

OAD: 132" L x 48" W x 64" H Cartoner
72" L x 20" W x 36" H Carton Magazine

Get a Free Quote Call: 630-629-9900

Clybourn Cartoner Auto VolumetricScale C4

  • Manufacturer: Clybourn
  • Model Number: C4
  • Frain Number: 5G9620

Clybourne, Model C4, automatic, vertical, 4 pocket volumetric, continuous motion, hot melt glue cartoner. Rated from 20 to 100 cartons per minute – depending on materials, application and machine configuration. Carton Size: 2" – 8¼" long x ¾" – 3¼" wide x 4¼" – 11¼" deep. Equipped with single chain currently set on 10" centers with 68" long (2) chain powered blank carton magazine, recipicating vacuum suction cup pick n place, 8" long; 2" wide; 6" deep fixed product buckets and (4) pocket rotary volumetric product feeder with 6" ID x 6" deep product pockets and (4) 8" long x 8" wide x 6" high tapered product funnels and Nordson hot melt glue systyem.

OAD: 120"L x 40"W x 79"H (Cartoner)
72"L x 28"W x 47"H (Magazine)

Get a Free Quote Call: 630-629-9900

Clybourn Cartoner Semi Vertical Glue CHL used cartoners

  • Manufacturer: Clybourn
  • Model Number: CHL
  • Frain Number: R21601

Clybourn Model CHL, Semi automatic, continuous or intermittant motion, vertical cartoner rated from 5 to 60 cartons per minute – depending on materials, application and operator dexterity. Carton size range: 1" to 12" in Length x 3/4" to 5 1/4" in Width x 3-1/2 to 11" in Depth. Equipped with blank carton magazine, recipicating pick and place, set on 16" centers and has 9′ hand load area on each side, with an Allen Bradley hot melt, glue system. Control panel has Allen Bradley Ultra Plus servo positioning drive module allows the cartoner to operate in either an intermittant or continuous mode with operator interface and pull cord E stop. Mounted on heavy duty frame with safety guarding.

OAD: 204" L x 48" W x 61" H

Get a Free Quote Call: 630-629-9900