Lehmann Machines

Lehmann Machines In Stock

Lehmann Mill Roller (Mill) 5

  • Manufacturer: Lehmann
  • Model Number: 5
  • Frain Number: 5D3464

Lehmann Model 5 roller mill used as a refiner for chocolate masses, creams, soaps, or inks, to ensure homogeneous product fineness with amount of product per hour – depending on materials and application Equipped (5) rollers 16" (400mm) OD and 43" Long with a working surface of 40" (1000mm) Wide and jacketed for heating and cooling. The refiner features a receiver and product bin measuring 39" Wide x 51" High with hydraulic roller height adjustments, and a control box with plow down / lift, an hour meter with E-stop. Unit allows independent control of the first roll rotation speed through a variable speed drive unit. The first roll is brought near the second roll, which remains fixed in position, by means of a hydraulic cylinder equipped with a precise positioning system. The centrifuged cast iron rolls have an extremely hard outer surface to allow for long life and limited wear.
Mounted on heavy duty frame.

OAD: 5′ L x 8′ W x 8′ H

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