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Home ยป Liquid Packaging Solutions
Equipment Express Model, 306-150M0D, 14 head, stainless steel, automatic, inline left to right overflow filler with number of containers per minute – depending on materials and application. Equipped with 144" long x 4" wide flexlink table top vari-speed container conveyor with adjustrable guide rails, pneumatic indexing and 16" OD disc transfer disc. 84" long slide bar, 14 diving (5/8" OD) nozzles with 30" long x 24" wide x 20" high plastic product hopper and feed pump. PLC with touch screen controller and read out, filler and conveyor speed control dials, filler and pump close, open, out and bypass switches with e-stop. Mounted on casters with leveling legs.
OAD: 144" L x 57" W x 72" H
Liquid Packaging Solutions, 15 head stainless steel, automatic, in line overflow filler with size and number of containers per minute – depending on materials and application. Equipped with 128" long x 4-1/4" wide table top container conveyor with adjustrable guide rails and pneumatic indexing. 48" long slide bar currently has 15 diving filling heads with 1/2" OD nozzles, 24" long x 18" wide x 20" high poly product feed and overflow tank with centrifugal pump. Control panel has A/B PLC with touch screen operator controls and read out, vari-speed control dials. power up, height down and e-stop controls. Mounted on stainless steel base frame with casters and height adjustable leveling legs.
OAD: 128" L x 48" W x 69" H
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