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MTC, model MTB-28-030-R, 304 stainless steel, dual trough ribbon blender. Capacity: 80 ft³ total (60 ft³ working) with pounds of product per hour – depending on materials and application. Dual trough with mixer dimensions of: 72" in Length; 57" in Width; 37" in Depth. Equipped with lift up safety grate, 2½" wide x (5/16)" thick ribbons, dual 22" x 9" pneumatic gate discharges with 45" ground clearance and powered by (2) 20 HP motor drives. Mounted on heavy duty frame.
OAD: 112"L x 76"W x 87"H
MTC, Model HLC2HD, column barrel dumper. Rated to a maximum capacity of 800 lbs. Lift is powered by a 2 HP drive and has a discharge height of 124".
OAD: 25"L x 25"W x 150"H
MTC, Model LE, hydraulic, gaylord tote dumper. Rated up to 3,000 lbs capacity. Chamber Dimensions: 43" wide x 51" deep x 83" high. Equipped with an open top chute with a discharge height of 42" high and requires 136" of ceiling clearance. Stainless steel frame cradle powered by a 5 Hp hydraulic power pack. Control panel with up/down push button controls. Mounted on heavy duty base frame. Rates dependant on material, application and machine configuration.
OAD: 67"L x 60"W x 89"H (in down position)
MTC, Model HLC2HD, column barrel dumper. Rated to a maximum capacity of 1000 lbs. Equipped with a roller bottom drum hoist with 23" wide x 2" diameter rollers. Lift is powered by a 2 HP drive and has a discharge height of 124".
OAD: 50"L x 45"W x 166"H
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