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Home ยป Paxall
Paxall, Model C4, automatic, vertical, (4) pocket volumetric, continuous motion, hot melt glue cartoner, rated from 20 to 100 cartons per minute – depending on materials, application and machine configuration. Carton Size: 2" to 8¼" long x ¾" to 3¼" wide x 4¼" to 11¼" deep. Equipped with (1) chain fixed currently set on 10" centers with 64" long (2) chain powered blank carton magazine, recipicating vacuum suction cup pick n place, 5½" long; 2½" wide; 3" deep fixed product buckets and (4) pocket rotary tapered product funnels and Nordson hot melt glue systyem. Control panel has drive jog, off, run and cartoner main and auto switches with vacuum, cycle, jog, reset, and start, stop, e-stop push button controls with statis light bar. Mounted on heavy duty base frame.
OAD: 140" L x 90" W x 70" H
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