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Home » Equipment » ABB Automation Robot Robotics IRB460-M2004
ABB Model IRC5M2004, (4) axis, end of the line, robotic, pick n place palletizer arm rated up to 2,190 cycles per hour on a 60 Kg load with number of product – depending on materials and application. Operating range: R-axis (rotation) 320°, Reach 2.4m (7.8 Ft), Maximum handling capacity of 110 Kg, (243 lbs). Ambient temperature range during operation of 0 Deg C (32 Deg F) to 45 Deg C to (113 Deg F). with relative humidity of 95% maximum. Remote Model IRC5 single cabinet controller with touch pad and hand held controls has operator interface with motors on, cycle start, request to enter, S T empty pallet and e-stop push button controls. Mounted on 42" x 42" ground fastened, pedestal style base with enclosed cage style safety guarding.
OAD: 105" L x 50" W x 96" H Robotic Arm 28" L x 29" W x 44" H Control Cabinet
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