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Home » Equipment » Adco Manufacturing Inc Cartoner Auto Horiz. Glue (Auto) 15DBC105SS
Adco, Model 15DBC105-SS, automatic, horizontal, continuous motion, hot melt glue cartoner, rated from 25 to 120 cartons per minute – depending on materials and application. Non washdown stainless steel construction. Carton size range: 1" to 9½" in Length; 3¾" to 4" in Width 4.5" to 12" in Depth. Equipped with (4) corrosion resistant coated adjustable chains set on 12" centers with 3½" high lugs. 140" long lugged product in feed conveyor, 48" long (3) belt automatic blank carton magazine, (2) head rotary pic n place carton feeder with pre-break and top squaring device, no product / no carton, no carton / no load sensors, barrel cam product loader, Nordson Problue (2) gun hot melt glue system, major and minor flap closers, vacuum pump, Seko adjustment gauges and 32" long dual sidebelt discharge conveyor. Control panel has A/B PLC controller and A/B Panelview touch screen HMI controls with start, stop, e-stop push buttons and 4-color stack light. Mounted on stainless steel frame with interlock safety guarding, casters and leveling legs.
OAD: 360" L x 90" W x 72" H
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