Photo of AMS Filling Systems Filler Powder Auger A100/1312

AMS Filling Systems Filler Powder Auger A100/1312

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AMS Filling Systems, single head, stainless steel auger filler. Rated from 20 to 120 cycles per minute – depending on materials, application and machine configuration. Equipped with a 22" diameter (16 gallon) agitated product hopper with dust cover, 7" diameter charge port and level detector. Control panel with an AB touch screen display and push button start / stop.

Flexicon, Model 1450, 4" diameter x 120" long screw conveyor. Capable of transferring up to 140 ft³ of product per hour – depending on materials, application, and product density. Equipped with a 36” long x 36” wide x 27” deep product hopper with grated cover, 3" diameter x 151" long stainless steel product conveying screw, 4" diameter x 120" long flexable poly tube, top 3 Hp motor drive with 6” inside diameter product discharge port

OAD: 146"L x 73"W x 140"H (Depending on Configuration)

The Frain Advantages

  • Plug and Play Packaging and Processing Machinery
  • Engineering Consultation
  • Factory Acceptance Test and Proof of Concept
  • In-House Testing
  • Training on your equipment
  • Technical Support and Service
  • Pay as you Go Program (Rental Capabilities)
  • 41+ Years in Business


Call us to discuss your packaging or processing project with an experienced Frain Industries engineer