Arpac Shrink Flow Thru TS33CF / MPD163090

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Arpac, Model TS33CF, continuous motion, horizontal flow thru shrink wrapper and tunnel . *Package size range: 4" to 48" in Length; 8" to 26" in Width; 1/8" to 12" in Height. Equipped with 240" long lugged in feed conveyor currently set on 30" centers with 3½" high lugs, 25½" wide x 53" long former conveyor, 19½" wide x 32" long side seal conveyor, 25" wide x 30" long seal conveyor, 33" pre folded side film unwind, perf wheel, scrap removal, side seal and 28" wide hot knife cross seal with 12" vertical travel. A/B controller with touch screen HMI. Arpac, Model MPD163090, two zone shrink tunnel with 16" high x 30" wide aperture, 90" long two zone tunnel, 28" wide x 106" long conveyor and cooling fan.
*Package maximums cannot occur together.
Rated from 0 to 80 linear feet per minute with number of product – depending on materials, application and machine configuration.
OAD: 466"L x 72"W x 80"H

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  • 41+ Years in Business


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