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Home » Equipment » Combi America Case Packer ERGOPACK HS LTR
Combi America, Model 2EZHS, Ergopack. Rated from 5 to 20 cases per minute – depending on materials, application and operator dexterity. Case size range: 8" to 24" in Length; 6" to 16" in Width; 5" to 18" in Height. Equipped with 48" long blank case magazine, suction cup reciprocating pick and place, minor and major flap closers, mech pusher bar, 2" tape head, 12" wide x 192" long product conveyor with 80" long bi-directional accumulation and packing station running parallel to 12" wide x 94" long case conveyor. Top case taper equipped with minor flap closer, major flap plows, 3" wide dual side gripper belts, 2" top / bottom tape heads, hand crank adjustable with Siko gages and interlocking Lexan safety guarding.
OAD: 283"L x 116"W x 70"H
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