Cornell Mixer Paste Horizontal D26

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Cornell Model D26, "Versator", deaerator, with vacuum system rated from 5 to 125 gallons and 1000 to 3200 rpm per minute – depending on materials and application. Equipped with 26" OD product rotating disc, (2) 2" NPT side chamber product charge and discharge ports, (1) 1½" NPT top vacuum port, pressure gauge, flow rate gage and 2" NPT bottom drain. Swing open bolt down door has (2) 7¼" OD / 4" ID front flanged sight ports, 15 Hp (4) belt to motor main drive with safety guarding and Stokes Model 48H10 vacuum system with (2) 1½" NPT fittings. Mounted on 72" long x 49" wide base platform frame.

Operation: Product flows thru film forming ring out and then over the surface of rotating disc where the dispersion and deaeration action occurs, used in food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and chemical applications.

OAD: 76"L x 69"W x 73"H

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