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Home » Equipment » Kaps All Capper Semi Auto (Capper) FE4
Kaps All Model FE4, semi-automatic, 2 station, 4 spindle, stainless steel, cap retorquer rated from 5 to 90 containers per minute – depending on materials, application and operator dexterity. Cap size range: 8mm to 70mm and capable of handling most types of caps. Container size range: 1oz to gallons, of plastic, metal, or glass (both with proper change parts). Equipped with stainless steel, container conveyor with 4-1/2" wide x 120" long and has plastic Delrin belt with vari-speed controller, 25" long x 1" wide single container gripper belts, hand crank adjustable and has (2) station (4) spindle non-marring cap retorquing section with adjustable torque clutches and safety guarding. Control panel has spindle and gripper on / off switches with speed control dials, raise / lower switch, pressure gauges and start / e-stop push buttons. Mounted on stainless steel "U" shape frame with leveling legs.
OAD: 120" L x 42" W x 66" H
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