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Home » Equipment » Koss Industrial Blanchers Rotary M-T15-1500
Koss, Twin Screw, 316 stainless steel, direct steam, batch cooking system rated from 100 to 1500 lbs of product per batch with 7 minute cycle time – depending on materials, application and machine configuration. Equipped with 83" long x 34" wide x 21" deep chamber, pneumatic flip top bolt down cover with (1) 13" x 13", (1) 15" x 18" and (2) 8¾"OD / 7¾"ID product charges, (2) 16" diameter screws on 3" OD shafts powered by 20 hp drives, 2½"OD / 2"ID Tri-clamp style steam inlet port with steam filter system, (2) 10½" x 3¾" side end product discharges to a 200 gallon, 316 stainless steel, stir pot. Vessel Dimensions: 72" diameter x 11" straight wall. Equipped with a top mounted scrape agitation powered by a 1 hp drive and a Waukesha, Model 64, transfer pump with a 3"OD / 2½"ID Tri-clamp discharge with 6" ground clearance.
OAD: 144"L x 60"W x 84"H (cooker) 76"L x 74"W x 91"H (Stir Pot)
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