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Home » Equipment » Langen Cartoner Semi Horiz. Glue (Semi) B1M
Langen, Model B1-M, Semi automatic, continous motion, servo driven, left to right, horizontal, hand load, hot melt glue cartoner. Rated from 50 to 120 cartons per minute – depending on materials, application, machines configuration and operator dexterity. Carton size range: 1¾ to 7" in Length; 1" to 6" in Width; 4¾" to 14" in Depth. Equipped with (4) chains adjustable set on 9 centers, with 2" wide x 1-1/2" high lugs, 19" long blank carton magazine, 2-head rotary pic n place, with pre-break, top carton confining rail, 72" long operator load area, Nordsen ProBlue (2) gun hot melt glue unit, with major flap plows and minor flap closers, quick change carton adjustment, Siko counter and top lugged carton squaring chain, with independent 27" long x 1" wide side belt carton discharge conveyors that accelerate carton away from trailing lugs preventing carton damage. Control panel has A/B Micrologics PLC and A/B HMI, VFD speed controller, with cycle, start / stop, carton feed, e-stop and e-stop reset controls. Mounted on frame with interlock safety guarding, casters and height adjustable leveling legs.
OAD: 236" L x 72" W x 81" H
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