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Home » Equipment » Mueller Tank Processors 500 LITER
Mueller, 500 Liter, 316 stainless steel jacketed process tank. Vessel dimensions: 36" ID x 36" deep with 28" straight wall. Equipped with an 8" diameter bolt down manway with sight glass, (1) thermowell, 5 Hp top mounted scrape agitator and 2½" OD / 2" ID tri-clamp style bottom center discharge with 7" ground clearance. Mounted on a stainless steel (4) leg base with casters and Mettler Toledo load cells.
Top Ports:(3) 2½"OD / 2"ID Tri-Clamp(2) 4½"OD / 4"ID Tri-Clamp
Jacket Ports: (2) 1½" NPT
Jacket:MAWP: 100 PSI/FV @ 250°FMDMT: -20°F @ 100 PSI/FV
Nat’l Brd: 52019
OAD: 55"L x 48"W x 78"H
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