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Home » Equipment » Perten North America Mixer Paste Double Arm DOUGHLAB
Newport Scientific, Model DOUGHLAB, stainless steel, jacketed, dual sigma table top lab dough analyser. Equipped with 3¼" long x 4¾" wide x 4½" deep mixing chamber with dual 3¼" long x 2½" wide x (1/8)" Thick sigma style mixing blades and VWR 6 liter reservoir cooling / heating circulating bath system. Determines water absorption of flour and dough development time and other dough mixing parameters. Uses the traditional 20 minute test and the new 10 minute high speed mixing test that increases lab through put and efficiency and improves analysis results by making it easier to interpret samples with long development times.
OAD: 40"L x 24"W x 14"H
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