Poly Pack Shrink Bundler PH16

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Poly Pak Model; PH16, Automatic, stainless steel shrink bundler and tunnel rated from 1 to 30 bundles per minute with number of product per bundle – depending on materials and application. Equipped with 6" wide x 108" long right angle product in feed conveyor and upstacker with single head product loading pusher arm, 16" wide seal bars with 14" of vertical travel and upper and lower 16" long film mandrels with 12" in maximum OD; on 3" OD core and low film detection with safety guarding. Control panel has PLC controller and LED display with tunnel / seal bar temperature controls power on, master start, stop and statis light bar.

Tunnel specifications: Single zone heat shrink tunnel with 14" High x 20" Wide aperture; 40" in Length chamber, 76" long x 18" wide stainless steel roller conveyor and blower package. Both mounted on stainless steel base frames

OAD: 156" L x 148" W x 88" H With In Feed

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  • Pay as you Go Program (Rental Capabilities)
  • 41+ Years in Business


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