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Home » Equipment » Raque Filler Paste Quad PF254 / BL60
Raque, Model PF25-4, automatic, stainless steel, 4 head piston filler with BL60 paddle agitated hopper. Rated from 10 to 60 cycles per minute with number of containers – depending on materials and application. Fill size range: 10oz to 178oz. Container size range: up to 1.5 gallon with proper change parts. Equipped with 43" long x 18" wide x 24" deep stainless steel product hopper with paddle agitator and top cover. (4) 6½" ID x 10" long stainless steel air assist pistons and (4) 2½" OD positive cut off nozzles. Control panel has A/B controller with touch screen HMI. Mounted on stainless steel (4) leg base frame.
OAD: 95"L x 36"W x 80"H
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