SureKap Capper Quill SK6000-BF6

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SureKap, model SK6000 BF6, automatic, inline, stainless steel, 3 station, 6 spindle roll over conveyor capper and cap feeder with number of containers per minute – depending on materials and application Cap size range: 22mm to 70mm. Equipped with 144" long x 4½" wide stainless steel container conveyor, 24" long x 18" wide x 24" deep cap hopper, 77" long x 6" wide elevator with 2½" high cleats on 6" centers, 46" long x 6" wide cap feeding / sorting belt, adjustable cap chute, with 24" long x 2" wide single container gripper belts, (3) hand crank adjustable (6) spindle stations (2) sets of mechanical clutches for increased torque control. Control panel with spindle and gripper control dials, start and e-stop buttons. Mounted on heavy duty stainless steel frame with casters.

OAD: 144"L x 72"W x 99"H

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  • In-House Testing
  • Training on your equipment
  • Technical Support and Service
  • Pay as you Go Program (Rental Capabilities)
  • 41+ Years in Business


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