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Home » Equipment » Yamato Scale Combination ADW-A-0314S
Yamato Model ADW-A-0214S, Combination weigh scale and filling system. Rated up to 200 weighs per minute – depending on materials, application and machine configuration. Maximum weight up to 1000g. Line consists of Eriez Model 36C product hopper, Frazier & Son Model C bucket elevator, Yamato Model ADW-A-0314S and (14) head combination weigh scale system. Product hopper, 34" x 32" x 42" deep with touch screen HMI. Stainless steel vertical bucket elevator with 6" x 10" buckets and 154" discharge with A/B touch screen HMI and A/B PLC controls. Yamato stainless steel combination weigh scale system with (14) heads, 3 liters maximum volume, and weight range from 8 to 1000 grams. Product in feed funnel, with (14) vibratory linear feed pans to (14) feed buckets, to (14) weigh buckets and product collating discharge chutes. Mounted on 175" long x 120" wide platform and 97" high mezzazine with safety rails and access stairs.
OAD: 48" L x 48" W x 50" H With Out Platform 180" L x 172" W x 197" H With Platform & Bucket Elevator
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