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Product Life Cycles are Shrinking! Rent Machinery to Maximize Cashflow

Product life cycles are shrinking!

Today’s consumers have a seemingly limitless number of choices at their fingertips, as retail shelves and online marketplaces are seeing more SKUs than ever.

Compounding the situation is the blossoming number of new products and product variants entering the marketplace. According to a recent Nielsen survey of CPGs, of 60,000 new SKUs (pron. skews) introduced in the marketplace only 55 per cent made it to 26 weeks and only 24 percent remained after one year.

Smart CPGs are no longer investing millions of dollars in capital equipment to produce these short lived products. They simply rent the production equipment for as long as needed and return it when finished.

No capital budget. No unproductive assets on the balance sheet. Cash flow maximized. Frain rents complete processing and packaging lines set up to run your product in just weeks.

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